Here to Stay

Good Shepherd has been around for 47 years!

We know that the kingdom of God is always advancing and it is the gates of Hell that will not prevail. The previous generation provided us with a paid-off building and a culture of crazy generosity. Rather than sit back and relax- we felt stirred to press in and build.

In the Fall of 2021, we made the declaration that our church is “Here to Stay.” Our congregation gave sacrificially to make some much needed improvements in our church building. We have completely renovated our Main Auditorium and Early Childhood spaces and we are ready to begin the next phase of renovations.

Here to Stay Video

2025 Projects

Fire Sprinkler System

Starting in the spring of 2024, we continue to phase in the fire sprinkler system by adding smoke detection in the main auditorium and alarm system throughout the building. This is a necessary step in bringing our building up to code compliance.

Completed Projects


In March 2024, we completely renovated all four of our main bathrooms. This includes adding a total of six new toilets to accommodate for our heavy Sunday usage and brought us up to ADA compliance in all of our restrooms.

In 2021/2022, we renovated our Auditorium! From a new sound system to A/C, this room is ready to welcome guests and invite people in to the story of Jesus. Then, in the Summer of 2023, we tackled all nine of the kids' classrooms that wrap the main hall: investing in our main pre-school spaces and providing an inviting environment, fresh-air, and A/C to that space.

Partner with us

If you are compelled to give towards this vision of investing in our space for the next generation, click the link below, selecting "Building Offering" in the dropdown.