First off, we want God to lead everything we do here. It might seem like a no-brainer, but this simple idea shapes how we lead—by looking to God, seeing where He’s moving, and following His lead. Pastor Austin Dyekman heads up the team, but it takes the whole crew to make things happen.

  • Leadership Team

    Guided by the Leadership Team

    The leadership team, led by the Lead Pastor, manages the church's daily operations and spiritual life. They support the congregation, foster a vibrant spiritual climate, and work alongside the elders to provide prayer support, defend the church's integrity, pray for the sick, offer counsel, and represent the church to the community.

    Austin Dyekman, Lead Pastor

    Caden Bush, Worship Pastor

    Taylor Mickelson, NXTGEN Pastor

    Robin Parker, Global Outreach Pastor

    Chelsey Stine, Finance Manager

    Katie Dyekman, Local Outreach & Family Ministry Director

    Mackinzie Hansen, Serve Team Director

    Steph Hewitson, Creative Director

  • Elders

    Spiritually supported by Elders

    Our Elders provide spiritual covering (i.e. prayer support, wise counsel, encouragement, etc) for the Pastoral Team and congregation. They provide a prayer shield for the members, defend and protect the integrity of the church, pray for the sick, counsel, and represent the church to the community.

    Jared & Jill Adamson

    Paul & Val Bakes

    Dave & Judy Goltz

    Bill & Linda Johnson

    Dennis & Sondra Merk

    Isaac & Serena Tyrrell

  • Trustees

    Strengthened by Trustees

    Our Trustees are five (minimum) members of the congregation appointed by the Lead Pastor to oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church. They provide financial accountability and counsel to the Lead Pastor, staff, and ministries.

    Devin Allison

    David Andrus

    Mike Keirns

    Joe Neville

    David Stranathan

  • Overseers

    Protected by Overseers (Apostolic Elders)

    The Overseers are five retired/current pastors of respected congregations who love Good Shepherd Church and are willing to provide spiritual guidance, strength, and protection to the church. They may be called on to help in any emergency or accountability matters relating to the Lead Pastor if requested to do so by the Elders or Trustees.

    Josh McGinley, Ascent Project Church

    Brady Boyd, New Life Church

    Jim Murphy, Faith Church (Former Lead Pastor)

    Bryan Vincent, Hope Community Church

    Joel Zeiner, Christ the Rock